Bear Mountain Tennis Centre opens state-of-the-art air-supported structure for its members.
The Arizona Cardinals keep it “cool” with inflatable practice dome.
In 2008, Edge School, a private institution in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, expanded its property and looked to traditional construction for its multi-venue development.
In Hilliard, Ohio Bo Jackson’s Elite Sports constructs a state-of-the-art facility for athletes to use regardless of the outdoor elements.
City of Martensville constructs a dual-purpose athletic facility for the city to use, regardless of the outdoor elements.
The overall design of the facility incorporates sharp differences within the same building envelope.
International cargo port in Cleveland, Ohio installs Shelter-Rite to protect against strong Lake Erie wind gusts.
The Christmas Run pool in Wooster used Shelter-Rite® Style 8028 with a Tedlar top finish to create a small, poolside awning.
Air dome still performing 20+ years.